
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week 15 :: Date Night -- Cedar Breaks National Park

Okay, so obviously this was the busiest month in the ENTIRE world!! It's been insane! Crazy with school and work and life and parties and traveling haha. But it's been great too! October is my favorite month because it contains Halloween!!!!! Basically I love it. And with that here was our Date Day Adventure:

Date Night:

Tim and I drove up to Cedar Breaks National Park and hung out for the day. We kind of expected to go on a hike and stuff but really it's like 7 steps to the site location and it's certainly flat.. but it was still fun because my husband is the funnest person in the world! He's so funny and great.

Okay, and it was so crazy driving home from Cedar Breaks. We went from Winter time up in the park and then through the canyon it was Autumn and when we got back home it was basically Summer time. All in one day. Got to love Utah! 




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