
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week 9/ Week 10 -- Project -- Packing Dishes and making 72 Hour Kits


Well I'm sure there are some wives out there that are super woman but that is sure not me! I did one small project, but I didn't really have time for much projects besides moving but I do have a couple moving tips:

1. So, those plastic grocery bags that are stored up somewhere that you can honestly never use ALL of them, but they do work really well as packing cushioning for super cheap! Put between plates and wrap cups up in them too. 
2. Clean the carpets before you move in. You never know how nasty the can be even if it looks clean! 
3. Move into a place that has some sort of storage! Basement, shed, garage, something. Anything. It has been SOO nice having that. Now our spare bedroom isn't our garage! It has been so great.

72 Hour Kits 
This was our project before we started moving. Little by little we have been building up our food storage and preparing 72 hour kits. We made a list one night and then we started shopping!  This is for two people: 

We started with breakfast and snacks. (Cheap and easy lol.) 

We put in 6 granola bars, 4 fruit rollups, 6 fruit snacks, and 4 pop tart packages.

6 big kid Capri-Suns 

New News!!

Okay so obviously we moved and that was probably the biggest new. It was just a local move across town and so it seems like instead of packing everything up all at once we just do it bit by bit. Carload by carload. So some things are still going to be over there until we officially have to be out of there but hopefully we will muster up some motivation to move all of the random couple of things that are still over there. We also started school up again! It'll be a good but super busy semester. I am studying graphic design and Tim is a pre-med biology student. I seriously love my husband. He puts so much time and effort into his schooling and he is just such a hard worker. I love you babe. (He is taking O-chem [organic chemistry] this semester! Good luck honey! I probably won't see much of him this semester but I'm grateful for the time we do get to spend with one another.)  

Our old apartment! I will miss you. I will miss you not. 

Our new fridge. Yes okay I hate moving food so it is currently empty! This is why cereal and PB&J were our options. haha. 

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