
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Week 8 -- Project -- Memory Magnets


For our project I made some memory magnets I like to call them. I had a couple bottle caps from the soda at our wedding and a shell we found on Huntington Beach on our Honeymoon and couldn't bring myself to tossing them out, so I made them useful! 

Memory objects (shells, bottle caps, trinkets, etc.)
Roll of circular magnets 
Hot glue gun
Krazy-glue Super glue

It is fast and fun and I always remember the best day of my life when looking at these :]

New News!! 

This past week was so crazy at my work! We were so busy so I was basically...really tired. However, even though I am glad to get through last week, I am so grateful that Tim and I both have good jobs while we are going to school. Tim finished his class and it was so nice to have some more time to be able to spend together since the past month he has been cooped up in our computer room haha. But I'm glad he put so much hard work and effort into his class. We are also moving this month because our contract ends on September first. We are excited to get out of apartments and have our own little place with a yard and an electric dryer. (We currently have a gas dryer hookup and we never bought a gas dryer because who uses gas dryers?? So we have been hang drying everything. Yes, towels, sheets, clothes, pretty awesome..) So I'm stoked to have a dryer!!!!!! That'll be nice and convenient. We got some stuff ready to start moving and hopefully we get some motivation to start packing haha. No it'll be okay and it will be totally worth it! Oh and we got new phones this week too! We updated to the SmartPhones to be a little more tech savvy...but now we might be addicted to our phones. haha just kidding but it is super fun. 

My cute new phone!! 

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