
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 12 :: Date Night -- At the Park

Date Night: 

Tim and I went on a walk through the Veteran Memorial Park. It was really interesting and lots of fun. It was super relaxing after a long day of cleaning and finishing unpacking and organizing everything. It was such a nice night. I love the transition into the Fall time! I'm soo excited for October! Halloween is my favorite! Anyway...back to the date, we just walked around and talked and then we found a little park and played around and did pull ups...okay well Tim did, I did about a half of one.. haha. Then we went and swung on the swings and just hung out and sat and talked. It was really great. He's the best. 

WW2 Memorial 

Korean War Memorial

I love the Summer/ Fall nights. Mmm they're the best. 

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