
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Week 11 :: Project -- Sink Fixing Time


Okay so, I am a little retarded and broke the pipe under the bathroom sink in our new apartment. Apparently it isn't sealed to the vanity or to the wall very well. I have a wonderful husband who can fix my dumb mistakes that I make and fix things I break. What a nice guy he is. 

Thanks hun! 

All fixed!

 For my project I made some Fall blocks for decoration for an activity with some women that go to my church.
Cute. Sand some blocks and paint them and then add vinyl lettering and a cute block cut out shape to replace one of the letter. I think I want to get some wire and twist it up and put it under the stem to add some embellishing! Easy and fun. Kinda cute too.  

New News!!

We are officially out of our old apartment! Out with the old, in with the new. Still trying to finish unpacking the last few things but its been great. Over labor day we got to go camping with Tim's family and it was so much fun! Thanks for a great weekend guys! And Sid and Tim, thanks for catching all of the fish for our breaded fish tacos! They were delicious!  

We're camping so I look disgusting in all of these...but it was way fun!

Our cute little tent :]

Nieces and nephew

Tim's cousin

The rattlesnake that she found and then it got skinned and hung up inside! pretty sweet! 

What a beautiful girl :]


his new paintball gun :]

The gun is just about as big as he is haha

shooting Tim's paintball gun

Sidney, Stephen and me

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